우리 실험실은 광학 이미징의 성능 한계를 극복하기 위한 기술 개발과, 이를 활용한 응용 연구에 주력하고 있습니다. 첨단 광학 이미징의 실현을 위해 시스템 하드웨어 접근법 뿐만 아니라, 인공지능 (딥러닝) 기반의 영상 분석/처리를 포함한 소프트웨어 접근법도 함께 연구하고 있습니다. 광학 이미징은 다양한 분야에서 활용성이 높아 중요한 역할을 합니다. 생물학/의약학 분야의 경우 우리 실험실에서는 세포나 조직의 나노 스케일에서의 형태와 동작, 소기관 간 상호 작용, 그리고 이로부터 여러 생명 현상의 기전 파악, 더 나아가 질병의 기본 원리와 치료 방법에 관한 연구를 진행하고 있습니다. 또한, 현재 디스플레이 제조 분야에서의 공정 모니터링 기술 개발도 활발히 진행 중이어서 광학 이미징의 산업적 응용을 직접 경험할 기회도 있습니다. 서울대학교 융합과학기술대학원에서는 다양한 학부 전공자들과 융합 연구를 효율적으로 진행하며, 광범위한 연구 경험을 쌓을 수 있습니다.


June 24, 2024Minchol was awarded a Korean government scholarship (이공분야 학문후속세대지원사업: 박사과정생 연구장려금지원) for two years. Many Congrats! We are proud of you!
May 17, 2024 We are receiving research funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea for four years (한국연구재단 중견연구).
Jan 2, 2024Yoon Hwan and Tae Won have joined our lab as undergraduate interns. Welcome! 🙂
Sep 5, 2023Yoon Hee has joined our lab as an intern. Welcome aboard! 🙂
Aug 14, 2023Media coverage: “서울대, 조직/소동물 시편을 위한 초고분해능 STORM 이미징 버퍼 개척” (Links: 에듀진, 서울대학교)
July 15, 2023 Youngseop and Donghoon will serve as Technical Research Personnel (전문연구요원) from Sep 2023 and Mar 2024, respectively. Congrats!
March 2, 2023 Two Kims have joined the group as graduate students. Minji and Hongrae, welcome again! 🙂
July 4, 2022New members: Jong-Hoon (PhD program); Minji, Sol, and Hongrae (Undergrad interns). Welcome aboard! 🙂
June 15, 2022 Donghoon was awarded the 2022 OnDream Future Technology Scholarship (온드림 미래산업 인재 장학생), for up to four years, from HYUNDAI MOTOR Chung Mong-Koo Foundation (현대차 정몽구 재단). Many Congrats! We are proud of you!
June 13, 2022 We are receiving funding from NRF’s Priority Research Centers Program for 9 years (한국연구재단 대학중점연구소 지원사업).
May 18, 2022 Our femtosecond laser (Chameleon Vision II by Coherent Inc) was installed today and started running!
Sep 1, 2021 Donghoon and Hyun Seung have joined our lab as grad students. Welcome! 🙂 And goodbye Jeongveen, we will miss you!
July 19, 2021 We receive NRF’s additional support for the Young Researcher Program (한국연구재단 최초혁신실험실).
June 1, 2021 Our lab was featured in the SNU GSCST newsletter. (Link to full content)
May 1, 2021Call for participation: Advances in Metaphotonics: Fundamentals and Applications in Frontiers in Nanotechnology. If you are interested to contribute, please let Jeongmin know!
March 2, 2021New lab members: Minchol and Joonwoo as grad students. Welcome on board again! 🙂
March 2, 2021We are receiving funding from NRF’s Young Researcher Program for 3 years (한국연구재단 우수신진연구).
Jan 6, 2021 Our obSTORM technique was highlighted in Nature Methods’ METHODS TO WATCH!
Jan 4, 2021Minchol, Joonwoo, and Yeunho have joined our lab as undergraduate interns. Welcome! 🙂
Sep 1, 2020Youngseop has joined our lab as a graduate student. Welcome aboard! 🙂
Aug 21, 2020Prof. Kim’s 9-years research proposal was selected in the Creative-Pioneering Researchers Program (서울대 창의선도 신진연구자 지원사업) from Seoul National University! We are excited to develop advanced optical microscopy methods combined with artificial intelligence.
June 22, 2020Our grad school won an NCIRF fund (서울대학교 기초과학공동기기원) for “multi-functional optical imaging system”, a fluorescence microscope capable of wide-field/TIRF/STORM imaging. Our lab is leading to build/manage this shared equipment. Stay tuned for more updates in Resource!
May 25, 2020We won one-year funding from NRF’s (Individual) General Research Program (한국연구재단 기본연구).
April 1, 2020The New Faculty Startup Fund was received from Seoul National University (서울대학교 신임교수 연구정착금)
March 1, 2020Bioimaging and Biophotonics Lab opened at SNU GSCST!